Just taking one day at a time...

As each day passes, I realize more and more just how unimportant most things are in relation to my relationship with Jesus Christ and my relationship with my family. I find myself busy doing really mindless but so-called 'important' things...afterwards I reflect on how that time could have been well spent in prayer, devotion and worship, or evangelizing, but that time has now slipped through my fingers, to be gone forever! It is my heartfelt endeavor for 2008 to find, and create more time carved out to be specifically, totally devoted to my First Love, the Lover of my Soul.

Friday, May 9, 2008


I can remember the time
When I was at church all day

And I wondered what my friends used to think
Used to think about me

Can you remember the time
When service it seemed like it lasted so very long
If I knew what I know now
I would have stayed all day

Come take me back
Where I come from
Haven't you heard that
Revelation is here

I'm so glad this revelation is here
I'm so glad this revelation is here
I'm so glad this revelation is here
I'm so glad this revelation is here

- YELLOWJACKETS: Shades (1986), Live Wires (1992)
Lyrics: Lorraine Perry / Music: Russell Ferrante


I remember the first time I heard this song...I had just gotten married...the year was 1988. This song resonated within me the sentiments I held as a child, and also then as an adult. I had never heard of the Yellowjackets before, but my new husband introduced me to their music.

Fast forward twenty years later: I have missed 3, soon to be 4 church services consecutively, due to my recuperation period from major surgery...and boy am I missing it all! Strains of this song came to my mind today, as I had wistful memories of the singing, the music, the wonderful worship atmosphere, fellowship with my friends, and last but not least, the sermons that I am missing at church...sigh!

Boy, I wish I could be there, and if I could, just like the Yellowjackets, I would stay all day!

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If you are not sure if you have a relationship with God, chances are pretty good that you do not...click here to get answers on how to receive Jesus into your heart today!

This is the exact same plan that a friend used in a tract format to show me the plan of salvation many years ago!

Praise God for Dr. Bill Bright and his founding of the Campus Crusade for Christ Organization!

Check out this presentation of a Love Letter to you from God!